

“Jozi” live at SAACI Conference, Sandton Convention Centre, July 2005

FNB’s “Mamspinza’s Shebeen”, 4 shows in 1 day, May 2005

Drumstruck is performing and making waves on Off-Broadway, New York

The Drum Cafe’s customised “Sophiatown Shebeen Experience” for SAP, Sun City, February 2005

“Jozi” was the opening performance at the SAACI National Conference, Sandton Convention Centre, July 2005

Drumstruck is performing and making waves on Off-Broadway, New York

“African Rhythms” at Wits Theatre for the Drum Cafe Book launch, April 2005

“African Rhythms” at Wits Theatre for the Drum Cafe Book launch, April 2005

The Drum Cafe’s customised “Sophiatown Shebeen Experience” for SAP, Sun City, February 2005